Last update: 2024-10-22

Functional structure of the Fixed Assets Module

Complete detailed records of capital expenditures in progress, intangible goods, fixed assets (possibly invested financial asset)
  • Asset IDs (automatic sequence numbers + inventory ID)
  • Purchasing information (supplier, purchase order number, etc.)
  • Related capital expenditure invoices information (supplier, invoice number, date of completion, etc.)
  • Descriptive asset information specific of asset type
  • Asset emplacement information (location, inventory responsible, profit center)
  • Financial information (paralelly recorded according to several depreciation methods)
  • gross value
  • net value
  • accumulated depreciation
  • actual year's accumulated depreciation
  • service-yield, etc.
Automatic depreciation calculation and automatic account coding of fixed assets
  • Calculation methods based on fix keys, service-yield, performance (linear, accelerated; gross or net based; immediate write-off of small value assets, residual value handling, etc.)
  • Depreciation calculation based on preset frequency (yearly, quarterly, monthly, continuous or based on number of days)
  • Depreciation recording according to any number of methods (according to accounting policy vs tax law)
  • Depreciation exceeding plans
  • Depreciation forecast and trial calculation
  • Depreciation cost allocation to cost centers
  • Suspending depreciation (assets not in use)
Complete transaction handling
  • Purchases and other special (user defined) types of putting on stock (receipt of assets brought into the business, surplus stock, assets received without countervalue, assets put on stock by self-revision, etc.)
  • Various types of asset retirement
    • Sale
    • Scrapping
    • Other special (user-defined) retirements (transfer as assets brought into the business, inventory deficit, transfer without countervalue, etc.)
  • Transfer of assets
    • between physical locations
    • change of inventory responsible
    • transfer between cost centers, etc.
  • Value adjustment (additional putting into operation, reconstruction, partial scrapping, etc.)
  • Transfer of assets to another asset type
  • Reclassification of fixed assets to current assets or current assets to fixed assets
  • Revaluation of assets
  • Re-putting into operation
  • Complete transaction history
Linking to BPCS modules
  • Transfer of data (PUR) related to purchase order issue, receipt, capital expenditure information
  • Process and transfer capital expenditure invoices (ACP)
  • Automatic accounting and General Ledger posting of transactions
  • Sale of fixed assets
Other functions
  • Planning and tracking encumbrances
  • Recording assets groups
  • Recording related assets (main units, parts)
  • Stock-taking
  • Documents (receiving note, asset card, transaction history, etc.) and lists
  • Handling capitalized own work
  • user-defined structure of
    • asset types
    • places of stock-taking
    • grouping codes (according to user-defined criteria)
    • user-defined descriptive data structure depending on asset type
  • mass (grouped) transactions (transfers, scrappings)
  • recording leased assets
  • data conversion from external systems into BPCS
  • sophisticated authorisation system above standard BPCS
  • closing programs, file purges