Last update: 2025-03-12

MOVEX - a product of the Swedish developer Intentia - is one of the leading AS/400-based integrated enterprise management systems in Europe. Just like other ERP systems, it provides a solution for manufacturers, traders, and service providers for managing their business processes.

prOffice has carried out localization and the modifications required by the users following installation as well as new development at all the companies having purchased Movex since 1997.

In Hungary we worked for companies including Agrokomplex, Cereol, Newell, Ricoh, Olympus, Flexlink, CANON, and Swedwood.

We had the possibility to take part in several foreign development projects (in England, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany). One of the most significant projects was the development of the new "Fashion" manufacturing module for the fashion house MEXX in Holland. This was a three-month project, that we took part in with 5 colleagues.
