Last update: 2025-03-12

Functionalities realized in the JURA system

  • calculate commission according to the effective condition list, if commissions are not calculated by other (existing) applications
  • prepare commission calculation for accounting (grouping commissions on a particular account number, handling booked commissions)
  • General Ledger posting of commissions calculated by JURA
  • consolidation of booked, realized and accounted commissions
  • supporting inquiries on commissions: conditions (of commissions) effective for a particular client in a particular period
  • commission(s) calculations for a particular client in a particular period for a particular group of products
  • commissions related to a particular product in a particular period
  • difference caused by departing from the general conditions related to a particular product/client
  • supporting commission reimbursement (calculation, reporting)
  • preparing invoice for particular products where it is required
  • online recording of the transaction (service use) forming the basis of the commission calculation.

The JURA system ensures the possibility to view and to print both general and client specific condition lists. This function provides information both for clients and officials in charge, gives an overview of general and special conditions, helps to clear disputed issues and find accidental errors.

By way of handling booked commissions and daily data updates, it is possible to perform more accurate marginal analysis.

By the uniform handling of commissions the analysis of the commission structure is ensured. Reporting for a particular period, product (group), and client (group) is an important feature of the system.

By introducing new transaction types, it becomes possible to describe the conditions in the condition list by information technology means.

By widening inquiry and reporting possibilities both the daily management of business and strategic planning become easier.

There will be information technology support for tasks that were not supported by earlier system.

It will be possible to satisfy invoice making liability for particular items of the condition list.

Commission reimbursement activity will get information technology support (including inquiry and reporting).

"What-if" type analyses will be possible for planned changes of product structure.

Batch postings will be replaced.

Outline of the operation of the JURA system

Basically two types of problems should be addressed:
commissions accounted automatically and manually.

Electronic accounting

In case of automatic acccounting the transaction is already supported by some information technology system, therefore, the input information for JURA (client, transaction, base quantity the commission is based on) can be obtained from a database.

Two possibilities may occur:
a) the commission is calculated by the system that provides the information
b) the commission is calculated by JURA.

In the first case it is JURA's task to take the calculated value over, and put it in the Transaction History.

In the second case the commission is also calculated by JURA. In the calculations the discounts available for the client as compared to the base condition list should also be taken into account. JURA examines this in a hierarchical way.

Firstly, the system takes the client discounts into account. If there are no such discounts, then the fees will be calculated on the basis of the conditions effective for the PARENT category. If there is no difference here either, then the branch level discounts will be taken into account. If there is no code referring to a change in any one of these, then the commission of the client (for the particular product) will be calculated on the basis of the base condition list. The calculated commission will be stored in the TH file.

The TH file will be processed at the daily close. During the processing the booked commissions will be summarized by client/account number. So in this file containing the booked commissions all clients that used any of the services in the particular capitalisation period - default: one month - will be recorded. The appropriate field of the record will show the cumulated booked commission of the client. At the time of capitalisation these booked commissions will generate a General Ledger posting. There is two-way communication between accounting and the JURA: JURA transfers the items to be accounted to the General Ledger system, and it receives the actually accounted items. In JURA an automatic variance report will be generated providing possibility for the officials in charge and the controlling department to make corrections and to consolidate commissions.

Manual accounting

In case of manually accounted tasks no database records are generated in other systems on using the products/services. So in these cases it is also the task of the JURA system to record that the activity was carried out or the service was used. This function can be performed by developing user programs that make it possible for the administrators to enter the information necessary for commission calculation (product, client, account number, etc.). After developing these data entry screens the operation of JURA is the same as described in the previous section: commission calculation, commission booking, General Ledger posting, consolidation, reporting.
